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Privacy Policy

CPAPointe-Claire  values the privacy of our club members and customers. This privacy statement serves to disclose the privacy practices of this website,

COLLECTION AND USER OF INFORMATION    CPA Pointe Claire limits the information we collect about our customers to only what is required, both by the city of Pointe-Claire for leisure activities and by the Skate Canada organization for being an active member of a figure skating club. CPA Pointe-Claire will collect personal information such as names, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, Medicare card numbers, etc. through your registration and membership with our club, both of which are voluntary and may be canceled at any time (reimbursements given according to our refund policies).

CPA Pointe-Claire will use this information in order to:

  • Communicate information relating to the operation and promotion of our club with our members and program participants (i.e., member communications, organization details, current and future program information, club communications, event promotion and details, volunteer information, etc.);
  • Arrange for instruction and encourage the practice and enjoyment of figure skating;
  • Help organize and operate competitions and show performances;
  • Communicate with prospective members about any and all club-related information;
  • Enable our club committee and administrative staff to administer business activities, programs, and registrations (i.e., through completing program and event registrations, responding to questions, informing members about upcoming events, etc.);
  • Register your membership with club-associated governing bodies to which you consent (e.g., Skate Canada).

CPA Pointe-Claire does not store any credit card number and security information (e.g., CVV numbers) online on our website, 

RELEASE OF INFORMATION CPA Pointe-Claire does not sell, rent, or exchange identifiable client information with any third party except as described herein or as you may otherwise consent. All information gathered by CPA Pointe-Claire is kept strictly confidential. We respect your privacy and confidence as a valued member of our club. CPA Pointe-Claire may also provide your personal information where we are required or permitted to do so by law.

WEBSITE “COOKIES” AND IP ADDRESSES    CPA Pointe-Claire may use "cookies" to track your web browsing and registration activities and preferences on Cookies are small pieces of data sent from a website and stored in your web browser while you are browsing the website. Cookies help websites to remember information, such as items added in a shopping cart, and to record your browsing activity, including button selections, logging in, etc. CPA Pointe-Claire's website may log IP addresses and browser details during your site visit.

PROTECTING YOUR INFORMATION   CPA Pointe-Claire is committed to the protection of our members' information. Sensitive and personal information is kept secure and strictly confidential. Our website maintains appropriate safeguards and security measures and we retain your information only for the duration that it is required for the purposes previously stated. Only the committee members and administrative staff involved in data processing have access to this data; in the event that any other club member is found in violation of our security and privacy policies, rest assured that strict disciplinary action will be taken.


In case of emergency one parent MUST remain at the arena at all times while their child/children are on the ice!!(NO EXCEPTIONS)

If you have any questions about this privacy policy or the practices of this website, we encourage you to please send us an email at or call our office directly at (514) 630-1338 to discuss your concerns.
CPA Pointe-Claire reserves the right to periodically change this privacy policy.





Refund policy: NO REFUNDS. 
Refunds will only be issued for medical reasons.  Any requests must be in writing and include a doctor's certificate.  Please note that an administration fee of $30 as well as used ice time, Skate Canada fee, home club or 2nd club fees will be retained.  Any ice cancelled weather related or beyond our control will not be reimbursed.

Covid 19 Cancellation Fee Refund:  Only in the event that the government deems it necessary that arena's must close due to Covid will reimbursements be applied.  To defray costs PCSC will retain any used ice fees, Skate Canada fee or 2nd club fee which ever applies as well as a $30.00 administration fee.


Politique de remboursement : AUCUN REMBOURSEMENT.
Les remboursements ne seront émis que pour des raisons médicales. Toute demande doit être faite par écrit et inclure un certificat médical. Veuillez noter que des frais d'administration de 30 $ ainsi que le temps de glace utilisé, les frais de Patinage Canada, les frais de club local ou de 2e club seront retenus. Toute annulation de glace liée aux conditions météorologiques ou indépendante de notre volonté ne sera pas remboursée.

Remboursement des frais d'annulation de Covid 19: Ce n'est que dans le cas où le gouvernement juge nécessaire que les arénas doivent fermer en raison de Covid que les remboursements seront appliqués. Pour défrayer les coûts, le PCSC conservera tous les frais de glace utilisés, les frais de Patinage Canada ou les frais de 2e club qui s'appliquent ainsi que des frais d'administration de 30,00 $.



Weather-related or building related cancellation procedure
You may be wondering: Do we bring the children to skating when it is snowing?
Our rule of thumb: If the West Island school boards deem it necessary to keep the public schools closed in the morning, we take the same approach – ICE WILL BE CANCELLED that day. Unfortunately, arena scheduling does not permit for make-up classes.  No refunds for weather related cancellations.

During the season all information regarding ice changes, events and registration will be sent to members via our mailing list and announced on Facebook page. 


Procédure d'annulation liée aux conditions météorologiques

Vous vous demandez peut-être: invitons-nous les enfants à leurs leçons quand il neige?

Notre règle générale: si les commissions scolaires de l'Ouest de l'Île jugent nécessaire de garder les écoles publiques fermées le matin, nous adoptons la même approche: les leçons SERONT ANNULÉES ce jour-là. Malheureusement, la planification d'aréna ne permet pas les classes de rattrapage.   Aucun remboursement pour les annulations liées aux conditions météorologiques.

Pendant la saison, toutes les informations concernant les changements de glace, les événements et les inscriptions seront envoyées aux membres via notre liste de diffusion et annoncées sur la page Facebook.


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